Welcome! We would love to have you join us on a Sunday morning.
Church Service Times
We have a dedicated group of retired ministers, lay preachers and worship leaders who each week present wonderful and interesting services. We are a family-friendly congregation and welcome visitors of all ages.
We meet to worship together at 9.30am, every Sunday morning. Following the service, please join us in the hall and enjoy sharing fellowship, and a lovely morning tea and cuppa!
Holy Communion
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion (also called the Eucharist) on the second Sunday of each month.
We practise a theology of openness in our understanding of this sacrament, meaning that everyone is welcome to participate, because we believe God sets no limits on grace.

Sunday School
Our Sunday School caters to primary school-age children (kindergarten through to 11 years old).
The children commence inside the church with their parents/guardians where they participate in the regular service for about 30 minutes.
We then go to the Manse (located behind the church), where we explore one of the day’s bible readings in a child-friendly way. Often this involves activities such as craft and games.

Sunday School is held every Sunday, except when the Holy Communion worship service for the congregation is held.
Prayer for all children
Lord, bless all children.
May they grow in love and compassion.
May they be surrounded by the security and love of their family and by good fellowship with other people.
May they remain healthy, happy and free from fear and conscious of God’s presence in their lives.
May they find fulfilment in a peaceful world, free from confusion and aware of the blessing of Christ in their lives.
by Rev Bill Jenkins

More Information
If you would like any information regarding Sunday School, please contact Ian Marshall via mobile: 0407-977-887 | email: curlymarshall13@gmail, or Ria on 0429-879-805.
For Worship Services, please contact Jennifer Whiteford on 0432-914-876 or Arthur Cook via (08) 9378 6321 or mobile: 0422-339-503.